Clavichord after Hubert

Clavichord after Hubert 1784


This clavichord is a copy of an instrument made by Cristian G. Hubert. Hubert was an organ builder and instrument maker. He adapted a number of elements of the instrument’s construction, in order to improve, among other things, the instrument’s playability. The balance rail, for instance, bends backwards slightly on the left hand side, in order to regulate the touch between bass and treble. In comparison to the baroque clavichord, the movement at the back of the key is also much reduced.

ClavichordHubert02 ClavichordHubert03

Compass: C-f''' , C-d# free, e-f''' fretted
Case: native cherry-wood, length: 130 cm
Keyboard: The lower keys are made of ebony, the upper keys from pearwood, inlayed with bone.

The instrument is double-fretted.