House Organ

House organ


Manual 1:
Holpijp 8’ oak, the largest 5 pipes in the lower case.
Roerfluit 4’ bas oak, treble from pear wood
Nasard 3’ treble from organ metal
Kromhoorn 8’ pear wood resonators with brass shallots.
Manual 2:
Roerfluit 8’ bass octave shared with
Holpijp 8’ oak with pierced stoppers
Prestant 4’ the largest 5 pipes from oak, F - fis in façade and g t/m e’’’ on windchest
Octaaf 2’ bass octave from oak, remainder from organ metal with a high lead content.
Manual coupler
I + II and II + I
Pedal coupler
to I or II
Tuning: Modified meantune tuning after Stade
