The design of this organ is inspired by late 17th century examples. The façade is based on a number of southern rugwerk cases, such as the one at Cuijk. The rugwerk of the organ in the Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam also provided inspiration. The case is made of vintage Slavonic oak. Its measurements and relationships are inspired by the baroque rules, such as certain geometric series, the golden section, and square root of 2. The instrument is intended as a study organ with a beautiful appearance and a warm, mild sound.
The dimensions of the case are as follows:
Height: 2450 mm
Width: 1145 mm
Depth: 525 mm
The single wedge bellows is located in the lower case. The blower is situated under the bellows. The organ has a shared windchest with pallet boxes at both front and back. Its pipework is arranged in a pyramid form. As a consequence the largest pipes on the windchest are situated in the middle of the case. The white keys are covered in boxwood, the black keys with ebony
Lower manual:
Holfluyt 8’ oak, the largest 7 pipes in the lower case.
Fluyt 4’ bass in oak with pierced stoppers, treble: open pipes made of organ metal with a high lead content.
Nasard 3’ bass in oak with pierced stoppers, conical treble pipes made of organ metal with a high lead content.
Cromhorn 8’ pear wood resonators with brass shallots.
Upper manual:
Principael 8’ from tenor F. Oak with pear wood facings.
Roerfluyt 8’ bass octave shared with
Holfluyt 8’ oak with pierced stoppers
Praestant 4’ C-A oak. B flat-b1 in façade, remainder on windchest
Octaeff 2’ bass octave from oak, remainder from organ metal with a high lead content.
Manual compass: C,D-c3
Pedal compass: C,D-d1
Pedal coupler to I or II
Tremulant to both manuals
Tuning: Meantone
1. H. Scheidemann (1596-1663) - Praeambulum in d-moll
2. J.J. Froberger (1616-1667) - Canzona II in g-moll
3. J.J. Froberger (1616-1667) - Toccata V 'Da sonarsi alle Levatione' in d-moll